To bring glory to God by loving God, loving people, and building His Kingdom.
To see the vulnerable, the hopeless, and the broken changed by the power of the Gospel into people with hope, healing, and spiritual vitality as we engage people and communities in word and deed.
Christlikeness: We desire to reflect Jesus Christ by serving people the way He did, with compassion, love, and mercy.
Love: We commit to loving and supporting the whole person; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, regardless of race, religion, or any other background.
Community: We will see more life transformation when our work is done in community, working together with the government, local communities, local churches, and strategic partners.
Integrity: We honor God by acting ethically, legally, and with excellence.
Trust: We will be a healthier foundation when we cultivate a culture of trust, listen to others, and learn from each other.
Fellowship: We understand that good food, fresh coffee, and sharing life together are essential components of healthy relationships.
FCF provides organizational support to Christian ministries that share our values and love for Thai people. We seek to open doors to communities and families by sharing the love of God in practical and tangible ways (ministry in deed), so that we can share the Gospel and make disciples in places where there are very few or no Christians (ministry in Word). We are not an umbrella organization or simply a tool for obtaining legal status.
All ministries at FCF, also known as Projects, are mostly autonomous and unique in design, but they all follow a basic level of structure and common processes that help us maintain a high standard of legality and accountability. This is specifically designed to empower our Projects to serve in the unique ways that God has led them to. Even though each project has its own focus, leadership, and staff, we all work together in strategic partnership as one family.
Our license to establish a foundation under the Ministry of Interior includes the following legal objectives as approved by the governor of Chiang Mai.
Support and encourage strong, healthy families that are caring, loving, and nurturing.
Cooperate with Government agencies and private organizations to prevent and alleviate many social problems in Thai society.
Create institutions and training opportunities to advance ethics, religion, and morality to develop good leaders.
Assist children, youth, and teenagers by supporting education, sports, art, music, literature, and other educational opportunities.
Help, support, and take care of the disabled, the elderly, drug addicts, and inmates to be rehabilitated.
Establish counseling centers to offer counsel and advice in dealing with social problems—for example, family problems, relationship issues, drug and alcohol addictions, etc.
Support and organize IT training for individuals and interested organizations.
Help partner organizations of the foundation organize systems and provide management training.
Recruit foreign volunteers to participate in and support projects according to the foundation objectives and coordinate cooperation in their related operations.
Benefit Thai society through active partnership and cooperation with other foundations and entities.
Work exclusively on social issues with no involvement in politics or through political action.
In 2002, Pastor Tim & Denise Dunham came to serve at Chiang Mai Christian Fellowship Church. In 2006, FCF was established as the local outreach ministry of the church. One of the core beliefs of Christians is that God wants us to love people the same way He loves us. That means we are to show love and kindness to all people regardless of their background or situation; the poor, orphans, outcasts, victims of abuse, and others in need. What started as an international church’s local ministry to the poor, has today become a primarily Thai-led foundation with 80 Thai staff and 16 different Projects around Thailand, all with a shared mission to serve and love people like Jesus Christ.
FCF has adopted the Lausanne Covenant as its Statement of Faith.